Dear all,  


Our non profitable association “UN SIKO EN VOL” (literally “A SIKO IN FLIGHT”) is based
at St Michel en L’herm, on the West coast of France, close by La Rochelle and Nantes.
Our unique association’s purpose is to see one day the H34 SA55 flying again. To ensure
we do reach such objective and make it possible, we decided to connect our members and
unify our skills and common passion through our formal association.
We would like to pool energies, good willingness, share enthusiasm and our dedicated
passion for old helicopters. We would like to connect youngsters and seniors, transfer
experience and professional competences between generations around our Sikorsky H34
with this common objective “See her flying again”.. see young and old eyes wet and shining
with excitement.
This association’s project took shape in 2010 starting with only but just five of us! By now,
we have more than hundreds members and we are growing... and growing.. and still
growing! Our first job was to find her, a surviving helicopter Sikorsky H34 and then
become the owner. That was a difficult step for our young association “UN SIKO EN VOL”
because we had absolutely no money!
However, we did reach that first goal during the fall of 2012. Mister Michel JOSPEH a
retired ex-French Army helicopter engineer for many years and passionate about the H34
was the previous owner of this Sikorsky H34 SA55 for more than 30 years.
There she was, superb old beauty, just waiting for us in his garden..
Impressed by the project and the possibility to see her flying again, he decided to give her a
second chance, which was for us, a superb and unique chance as well. So, he donated her
to us. By now, this well preserved H34 SA55 belongs to our charitable association

Lovely jubbly ! We own the helicopter! So, we moved on to the next step. She is currently
installed in a hangar and we have already started rebuilding her. We are dealing with a
large and complex project, but by now, I am absolutely sure about one thing: “Yes, we
If you too are interested in our adventure, if you want to meet us, if you keep any parts,
tools, pictures, stories or anything in relation with her, with her history, please, do not
hesitate and come forward to meet us. To do so, please use the contact tab on this web site
“pour nous contacter” or send us an e-mail anytime.
If you want to participate to this aeronautical heritage’s restoration, you may as well
choose to support us. You can either become an active member by paying an annual fee
(20 euro as a minimum) or make a one-time contribution at your convenience still using
the same tab “pour nous contacter”.
Whatever your choice, we will be delighted to welcome you for a cup of tea and a chat
about her, our superb Sikorsky H34 SA55 and our association “UN SIKO EN VOL”.


Best regards

Mister Jean-Pierre Montreuil and his team

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